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No Qualifications match your search


Would you like to be able to offer career change training? With many young people being impacted by current economic downturn and increased cost of living, many people are looking to retrain in a new industry to kickstart their careers.


For young people, a change in career might seem like a step backwards, but it can offer a real opportunity for them to progress their career and provide increased job stability. 

We offer a wide range of industry specific job training and retraining courses which are fully accredited.



siling woman

How to change careers

For many people, the skills and experience that they have gained in one industry can be transferred in part to a new career in a completely different sector.

Take for example working in a front of house role in a theatre, where employees will have gained the same people skills needed for a job in hospitality, leisure, travel, tourism, and retail.


One of the keys to changing career is getting the right Qualification which is where we can help. We have developed a new suite of Employability Qualifications (also known as Transitional Qualifications) that are designed for training providers to be able to offer short courses to meet the needs of young people who are looking to retrain, and build a career in a new sector. All of our retraining courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Government’s Plan for Jobs to make sure that you can take advantage of available funding. 

Industry specific training courses

Changing career is a big decision but with the right training resources learners can successfully make the switch to a new career. Our Transitional Qualifications are regulated by Ofqual and are designed to help you provide flexible courses for young people to give them the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to land a job and start building a successful career. 


Whether you are new to delivering Qualifications or are just looking to work with a new awarding organisation, we work with colleges, employers, recruiters and job centres to help them deliver accredited training courses. We currently have a total of nine different employability job training courses available which include: 


Man by a desk talking on mobile phone
Flexible Study

Our Level 2 Qualifications have been designed to ensure that delivery and assessment are as flexible as possible. Courses can be delivered through a combination of online, workplace or simulated environment depending on which optional units are chosen.


On completion of the Transition to Employment Qualifications, learners will have a regulated Qualification that evidences their commitment to their chosen profession. 


We have developed a range of materials to accompany these Qualifications including workbooks, assessment books, portfolio evidence locators and mock assessments for the learners and delivery guidance for the tutors with amplification of the assessment criteria and suggested activities for each unit.

Employability Delivery Desktop

Progression Opportunities

On completion of each of these courses, learners may progress into:


  • further education
  • apprenticeships
  • employment in a role in the chosen sector


Learners may also wish to expand their knowledge of their chosen sector by progressing on to sector specific qualifications at either Level 2 or Level 3. Click here for our full list.

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