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Level 3 Certificate of Professional Competence for Transport Managers (Passenger Transport)

QAN 610/0172/7
Level 3
Credits 16
GLH 73
Price £136.50

The price for each qualification is the cost per learner registration and includes the certification. This is to be paid by the Training Provider to Innovate Awarding.


Multiple Choice Question Exam, Extended Answer Question Exam.

This qualification is externally assessed and externally quality assured by Innovate Awarding External Quality Advisors (EQAs).


This qualification is recognised as confirming professional competence to work on a standard operator licence in transport management.

The qualification has been developed to meet the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21st October 2009. Achievement of the Certificate of Professional Competence (Passenger Transport) confirms that the learner is qualified to manage transport operations.

Up to and including 31st January 2021, International versions of the CPC gained in the UK were recognised as meeting the competence requirements in other EU member states. From 1st February 2021, member states may require individuals with a UK CPC to take a further examination on any aspects of transport operations that are specific to that state if they wish to work as the nominated person for a business in that state.

Person about to take their on-screen test using live remote invigilation


On completion of this qualification, learners may enter employment as a Transport Manager.

Learners may choose to undertake additional training or qualifications in the workplace as part of their ongoing professional development.

The award of this qualification does not require renewal after a specified period. However professional competence may be affected by changes in personal circumstances such as conviction of particular criminal offences.

two persons discussing live remote invigilation

For further assistance please call us on 0117 314 2800 or email us at
hello@innovateawarding.org and we'd be more than happy to help.